Sunday, January 29, 2012


Water flows from high in the mountains
Water runs deep in the Earth
Miraculously, water comes to us,
And sustains all life.
Thich Nhat Hanh (teacher, author, poet and peace activist)

The overall theme for science in the Primaria classroom is the study of Water – what are the different states and properties of water, where does it come from, how is it used, why is it important, and where does it go.  This is accomplished through a two-year study of watershed from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.  Science activities include: simple, hands-on experiments in class; field trips; investigations of plants and animals; and gardening.

Activities chosen for exploring science concepts are all designed to stimulate the children’s natural curiosity and many can be easily reproduced at home.  Activities will build on early concepts as we move through the school year.  Not only will specific science activities be done, but science will also be integrated into art, Spanish, literacy, social studies, and math.

We started the year by learning about:
•  the water cycle - evaporation, condensation, precipitation
•  the states of water - solid, liquid, gas
•  some properties of water - surface tension “water loves water/water has a skin”; water as a solvent
As an introduction to the garden we:
•  learned about patterns in nature
•  did garden observations, prepared garden beds, planted beds w/vegetables & flowers
•  learned about plant life cycles and about insects in the garden
We also discovered what a watershed is and learned about:
•  salmon and their migration, life cycle…..
•  migration of whales, monarchs and birds (made bird feeders for migrating birds)
•  zonation in the ocean

The next three entries give more details about the activities outlined above.

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